Attendees will benefit from a pragmatic and expert content about:
Benchmarking your maturity vs. the 40 best practices of the World Class Excellence Model
What are you already doing good … what should be improved …. what you are not doing ..
Understanding the different levels of the Strategic, Pricing and Commercial Effectiveness Maturity
Reactive Ad-Hoc, Smart Cost+, Competitive Premium, Value Solutions and Excellence
Leveraging the approach for successful transformational roadmap to excellence
Deep Dive Diagnostic, Return on Investment (ROI) Measurement, Blueprint & Digital, Pilot & Capture and Roll-Out Scalability
Managing well-proven methodologies for Change Management
Engage the Organization, secure mindset change and get stakeholders support
This Workshop will be held during the NYPS World 2020, Strategic, Pricing and Commercial Excellence conference in Amsterdam, 22nd to 24th ot April.
For more information, contact directly
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This workshop will be delivered only once in Europe, and has been rated with a 9.4 out of ten in its last run at NYPS USA 2019, Chicago, September 2019