Why to write a book?
Ego: Not Stratence Partners’ style
Money: Not really …. All benefits will be for Non-For-Profit organizations
Sharing knowledge: YES! We can definitely help a lot of peers by transferring to them “hundreds” of years of experience and “thousands” years of projects’ expertise
Expanding peers’ network: YES! It is always good to increase linked minded people’s connections
Promoting our profile: YES! Writing a book is always benefit the “value” of our CV, individual and business’ one.
So, why Stratence would write a book on its own? Makes no sense, right?
That is why, after a lot of thinking, we decided to go for a “collaborative book writing”…..
We will try to regroup as many “peers” as possible, seasoned professionals, with a demonstrated background in Strategy, Pricing and Commercial Excellence and all together, to “co-write” a book.
With a collaborative platform in LinkedIn itself, we will invite the co-writers to review, provide their wisdom, knowledge, experience and expertise for writing what we want (and we will work hard for) as a Best Seller!
So, don’t hesitate to contact me at fventureria@stratence.partners
We will be very pleased to be as many as possible.
Looking forward to having you as a co-writer of a Best-Seller!