Stratence Partners: Showcasing Excellence at the 2024 World EPA Congress in Amsterdam
Stratence Partners at the Evidence, Pricing & Access World Congress 2024. Three days of activities with Stratence Partners experts and a Selected group of Strategic Pricing and Commercial Leaders, during the World EPA Congress 2024.
RAI Congress Centre, Amsterdam │March 12 - 13, 2024
The day before the World EPA Congress 2024, Stratence Partners will be hosting a networking and expert VIP dinner. Enjoy a select and friendly space for strengthening relationships with peers and share insights, expertise and experience.
During the World EPA Congress, Stratence Partners will be sharing their expertise in the Pricing Track.
Title: Strategic Pricing Gross to Net Best Practices in Healthcare
- Applying the Stratence Partners’ World Class Models to the Healthcare Commercial Archetypes
- Building a Business Case and a successful Roadmap for Healthcare Gross to Net Project
And in the Digital Transformation Track.
Title: Healthcare Digital Transformation Towards Profitable Growth
- Introduction to a Digital Transformational Project in Healthcare
- Key components for Digital Transformation Towards Profitable Growth
Visit Us at the EPA World Congress 2024, Booth 172 to meet our team.
Who can you find at our booth?
Fernando Ventureira - Frederic Duhamelle - Niels Skov - Rick Mather - Dr. Ramesh Caussy - Israel Fuentes - Manuel de la Guardia Villalón - David Diaz - Nathan Walsh - Eduardo Villanueva Suarez - Jérôme Mérian - Navin Singh - Krishna Chaitanya - Anh BOURCET - Lûna Kawash
Click on the following link to get the full picture about this event: