VALUE | What we deliver
Engaging in a transformational Project is not an easy and risk-free initiative.
At Stratence Partners, we have developed and fine-tuned over more than 25 years and 800 Projects a unique approach to help our Customers to secure a smooth, secured and profitable path.
Starting from a first obvious step to measure the current status and set the ambition for moving towards the Roadmap to Excellence, we apply a specific module for helping the Organization to measure the short-term potential (Quick-Wins) and long-term Return on Investment.
Then, it is about the design and "blueprint" of the transformation, aligning all stakeholders to secure pragmatism, business acumen and embracing of the change.
The next needed step is about piloting, starting to capture results, demonstrate the benefits to the organization, fine tune and celebrate success.
When the piloting phase is representative enough, the Organization is ready for scaling and rolling-out to others similar business units and/or countries.
Stratence Partners has the particularity to demonstrate to be the perfect companion all and each of this progressive steps, from diagnostic, measurement, design, pilot and scalable implementation.
At Stratence Partners, we don’t reinvent the wheel:
All our Projects are an adaptation of a well proven and “ready to use” 5 steps approach that secure success and profitability

Diagnostic & Roadmap
Strategic Deep Dive to Plan the Detailed Journey to Excellence
ROI & Quick Wins
Unleash & Validate Short to Long-Term Financial Impact
Blueprint & Digital
Design the New Eco-System & the Holistic Implementation Plan
Pilot & Capture
Collect Quick Wins & implement a 1st Gen of the New Eco-System
Scale & Sustain
Roll-Out Strategy Optimization, Pricing Excellence & Commercial Effectiveness

Stratence Partners Pragmatic Approach to Excellence Model ®